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When to Replace or Repair Your Air Conditioning Unit

When to Replace or Repair your Air Conditioning Unit

Air conditioning Units are essential for finding relief from the hot and humid weather condition in Cape Coral, Florida, during the long hot summer months. However, even if you have a good air-conditioning unit that functions very well installed in your home, you will eventually require the services of an air conditioning company in Cape Coral to either repair or replace your AC unit.

Although having repairs done is usually the most cost effective option, there are some factors you need to consider before deciding to replace or repair your AC unit. These factors include;

Air Conditioning Unit Age

  • When to Replace: When your AC unit has exceeded the average life span of 15 to 20 years, it will be less efficient, require frequent repair, and be prone to severe damages that are costly to fix. At this stage, you should consider replacing it with a new unit to save money on repairs fees and energy bills.
  • When to Repair: If you’ve had your AC unit for less than the average life span of 15 years, then it is likely that its faults will be minor, and you should consider having it repaired.

Air Conditioning Unit Repairs Cost

  • When to Replace: When the cost of your air conditioning repairs is higher than normal, then the most economical thing to do is to replace it. Therefore, if you are paying for repairs frequently, or your AC unit has a serious damage, such as a bad compressor or a damaged coil that racks up an expensive repair bill, then you should consider replacing it.
  • When to Repair: If your AC unit is new and still has a warranty, or it requires only minor repairs, then the most economical thing to do is to repair the unit. Furthermore, you should bear in mind that carrying out regular repairs and maintenance of minor faults will extend the life span of your air conditioning unit.

Below is a formula based on AC unit repairs cost that you can use to determine if you should replace or repair your ac unit. If,

Cost of Repair x Age of Unit > Cost of New Unit, then you should replace your AC unit.

And if,

Cost of Repair x Age of Unit < Cost of New Unit, then you should repair your AC unit.

Air Conditioning Unit Efficiency

  • When to Replace: When you notice that your AC unit has trouble keeping up with the weather conditions and you have to keep it running all the time to be comfortable, which leads to a tremendous rise in your energy bill, then you should consider replacing your unit. This problem usually occurs with AC units that have a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of less than 14 and are inefficient.
  • When to Repair: The recommended seasonal energy efficiency ratio for air conditioning units is 16, however, if your AC unit has a SEER of at least 14, then it’s still efficient enough to have it repaired.

After reading this article, you should be able to decide whether to replace or repair your air conditioning unit. Whichever option you decided on, you can call us at (insert phone number) for more information or to schedule an assessment of your air conditioning unit.


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